We are excited to announce that the topic of our first “Talking With Your Pompe Peeps” session is “The Elementary School Experience: Building Success for IOPD/LOPD Children Through Collaboration and Partnership”!

Join us August 16, 2024 at 1 PM CT for an open forum group meeting moderated by Colleen Sackos. She will present on how to create partnerships and collaboration between key stakeholders (family, general education team, special education team, healthcare team, etc.) for IOPD/LOPD children in elementary school. Topics include 504 plans, IEPs, how to prepare for transitioning to elementary school, and time for questions and answers.

This session WILL be recorded and posted on the AMDA YouTube channel at a future date. By attending this session you are agreeing to being recorded.

To view the session, click here!

Meeting Details:

Title: The Elementary School Experience: Building Success for IOPD/LOPD Children Through Collaboration and Partnership!

Date: August 16, 2024

Time: 1 PM CT

Moderator: Colleen Sackos


This presentation will entail how to create partnerships and collaboration between key stakeholders (family, general education team, special education team, healthcare team, etc.) for IOPD/LOPD children in elementary school. While every child’s journey is unique, ALL children have a right to experience growth and success as a student! Topics include 504 plans, IEPs, how to prepare for transitioning to elementary school, and time for questions and answers, We can all learn from each other!

Speaker Bio:

Colleen Sackos is a proud mother of three and educator with over 15 years of experience as a teacher and administrator in the elementary school setting in both Oregon and Arizona. Her youngest son, Axel, has Infantile Onset Pompe Disease and just finished kindergarten. She lives in Happy Valley, OR, and is grateful to be a part of the Pompe community: together we are strong!