AMDA has funded or procured funds totaling over $4,900,000 for projects directed toward the treatment and cure of Acid Maltase Deficiency.

Following is a partial list of grant recipients:

Duke University Medical Center
Y.T. Chen, M.D., Ph.D., & Johan Van Hove, M.D., Ph.D.
Purchase of FPLC Protein Purification Equipment
(automated FPLC work station, motor valve,
chromatography refrigerator and accessories)

New York University Medical Center
Rochelle Hirschhorn, M.D. & Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Shimon Gatt, M.D., Ph.D.
Development of an Intracellular Specific Assay to
Diagnose GAA Deficiency by Targeting the Fluorescent Substrates to the Lysosomes

North Shore University Hospital
Alfred E. Slonim, M.D.
Study on Management of Adult Onset Acid Maltase Deficiency
Through the Use of Diet and Ephedrine

Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Arnold J.J. Reuser, Ph.D.
Grant for Research Aimed at the Development of a Therapy for Acid Maltase Deficiency

AMDA has also been instrumental in procuring funds for the following:

New York University Medical Center
Frank Martiniuk, Ph.D.
Grant for Research of Biochemical and Molecular Analysis of Activator Protein for Acid Alpha-Glucosidase


Research Directed by
Pharming B.V., Leiden, the Netherlands
in conjunction with:
Erasmus University, Arnold J.J. Reuser, Ph.D.
Sophia’s Children Hospital, Ans T. van der Ploeg, M.D., Ph.D.
Rotterdam, the Netherlands

*All of the above projects were approved for funding before the AMDA Scientific Board was formed.

 Acid Maltase Deficiency Association


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San Antonio, Texas 78270 USA