The AMDA/IPA International Pompe Patient and Scientific Conference will take place in San Antonio, Texas from October 25-27, 2019.
Please click here for the 2019 Conference Registration Form. Each family, speaker, patient organization representative, industry representative, and physician should complete the Online Registration Form. There is no Conference Registration Fee for patients and their families. For Industry Representatives, please email Tiffany House for more information.
The Final Agenda is now available here.
UPDATE-09/10/2019-The AMDA’s hotel block at the Holiday Inn Riverwalk is now full, and the hotel is almost at full capacity. There are a limited number of rooms still available at a revised rate of $179/night (before taxes). If you have any difficulty making a reservation, please call Bonnie Castilleja at 210-272-1525 and she will assist you. Remaining rooms at the hotel are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
To make your hotel reservations, please use this link: AMDA 2019 Hotel Reservation Link. Or, you can call (210) 224-2500 and ask for the 2019 AMDA – IPA CONFERENCE group. The group rate is $155 per night (before taxes), and is available Thursday (October 24, 2019) through Monday (October 28, 2019). Reservations received after September 23, 2019 will be provided on a space available basis at the Hotel’s current selling rate.
Update on AMDA Travel Grant 10/01/2019: Due to the overwhelming response to the Conference, all available funds for the travel grant have been exhausted. Also, please note that the grant is only available for those who have reservations at the Holiday Inn Riverwalk, and only at the rate of $155/night. We look forward to seeing you in San Antonio. The AMDA is very excited to announce that we will be able to offer some travel support to patients attending the Conference. For patients registered with the AMDA, we will pay for one room for up to two nights per patient (at the rate of $155/night) at the Holiday Inne Riverwalk. This is non-transferable. If you will only need a room for 1 night, you CANNOT give the other night to someone else. There are limited funds available, so the funds will be made available based on the order in which people register for the Conference. Please note, the AMDA will pay for the room charge ONLY–any room service, amenities, or other items charged to the room are the sole responsibility of the patient. If you are not sure if you are registered with the AMDA, please email the AMDA Patient Advocate, Marsha Zimmerman, at
Why should you attend the Conference?
It will be a weekend full of learning, fun, and friends. All of the leading experts from around the world will be present to share the late-breaking news on Pompe disease. But don’t take it from us, here is what people who have come to other AMDA/IPA Conferences have to say about why you should attend:
“Of all the scientific conferences, this one is the most stimulating” – Dr. Nina Raben (NIH-USA).
“Translational aspects are key elements of the rare disease field, and Pompe disease plays a major role model for the entire rare disease community. This AMDA conference has and will link-in patients to international resources, researchers, and clinicians. This blends, as four years ago, will help to provide superior information and better understanding of unmet needs. Furthermore, this meeting promotes treatment to all of our patients with harmonized standards of care around the world. I strongly support this networking that is organized by the national and international Pompe patient organizations.” – Professor Dr. Benedikt Schoser (Friedrich-Baur-Institute, Germany)
“I attended my first AMDA/IPA Conference in 2015. What a great experience! Not only was I left with new wonderful friends, but also with a wealth of information, knowledge and hope! I’m looking forward to the next conference, and to hear from the patients, the experts and industry about what the future holds for our community in this exciting time.” – Fabio Di Pietro (IPA Board Member, Italy)
“AMDA/IPA 2019 in San Antonio: an event not to miss and to look forward to! Even before the agenda has been finalized, I am convinced that the upcoming meeting is going to be an exciting event like all former “get-togethers.” Because that is what it is: a unique opportunity for patients, physicians, and scientists to meet each other and educate each other about the ins and outs of Acid Maltase Deficiency / Pompe disease and be informed also by pharmaceutical companies about progress towards therapeutic interventions. All of it in a rewarding very open and friendly atmosphere. That is my experience from the several former meetings I participated in. I look forward to seeing you in San Antonio!” – Dr. Arnold Reuser (the Netherlands)
Stay tuned to this page for more information as it becomes available!
We hope to see you in San Antonio!