The AMDA’s Talking With Your Pompe Peeps Series
Welcome to the AMDA’s Talking With Your Pompe Peeps Series. This is a special series of open-forum style presentations born from feedback we received from our 2024 AMDA/IPA International Pompe Patient and Scientific Conference. These presentations are meant to connect the Pompe community and foster support amongst its members. Each session is moderated by a member of the community who will present and guide the discussion while encouraging participants to share their unique experiences and views. Together we are stronger!
Check back in 2025 for upcoming sessions!
The Holidays - How to deal with stressors and fun family traditions
Title: The Holidays – How to deal with stressors and fun family traditions
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024
Time: 12 PM CT
Moderator: Tiffany House
*This session will be recorded and posted on the AMDA YouTube Channel, by attending, you are giving the AMDA permission to post your image on it’s channel.
To view session, CLICK HERE!
Spooky Soirée - Enjoying Halloween with PD for You and Your Kiddos
Title: Spooky Soirée – Enjoying Halloween with PD for You and Your Kiddos
Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Time: 12 PM CT
Moderator: Tiffany House
Calling all Pompe Parents! Are you stuck thinking up costume ideas? Have you made an awesome one that you would like to share? This is your chance to share and help each other. Halloween can be a challenging time for many parents when it comes to finding the right costumes. For our Pompe kiddos, there can be added challenges when mobility issues are involved. Do you need help? Do you have suggestions? Join us and share! Please share your past costume photos!
Also related to Halloween… have you found creative ways to deal with the massive candy haul? None of us want our kiddos to miss out on these experiences, but how can we modify when needed?
*This session will be recorded and posted on the AMDA YouTube Channel, by attending, you are giving the AMDA permission to post your image on it’s channel.
To view session, CLICK HERE!
Balancing Pompe (School, Work & Life): How Do You Balance Yours?
Title: Balancing Pompe (School, Work & Life): How Do You Balance Yours?
Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Time: 12 PM CT
Moderator: Tiffany House
This Open Forum Discussion will focus on exploring the various ways members of the Pompe community juggle all of the things life throws their way. Come join the conversation!
Moderator’s Biography:
Tiffany House is President, Acid Maltase Deficiency Association (AMDA), Inc., San Antonio, Texas; a non-profit advocacy organization for patients with Pompe Disease. Hosts/spearheads biannual conference, communicates with industry, current on latest advancements in treatment and patient care, attends various scientific/patient conferences, and is Chair or member of various Working Groups or Committees.
Chairman/Board Member, International Pompe Association (IPA), Baarn, the Netherlands; an international Pompe patient support organization. The mission of the IPA is to “Campaign for early diagnosis and effective, affordable and safe therapies. Strive to provide information and support to all patients, their families and others with interests in Pompe Disease.” Board Member; participates in regular conference calls with Board and industry, annual meetings, and face-to-face meetings with industry and scientific/medical experts.
Active/Voting Member, Lysosomal Disease Network (LDN) External Advisory Committee (EAC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; participates in annual meetings and communications, evaluates Pilot Project proposals and Fellowship applications, reviews clinical research and opportunities with a focus on MPS, Pompe, and Fabry diseases and two cores: administrative and education.
Member, Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSD) Advocacy Coalition; participates in monthly meetings to work together on state and federal issues such as Medicare Home Infusion, medical research and Newborn Screening as well as state and federal issues.
Panelist, Bayer Pompe Lived Experience Expert (LEE) Standing Expert Panel (SEP); collaborates with a broad geographical spread of experts to obtain ongoing deep insights into the disease characteristics, patients unmet needs and preferences, the current standard treatments, and the potential impact of novel therapies.
Newborn Screening Advisory Committee member.
Patient Representative/Voting Member of Four Advisory Committees (AC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Washington, D.C.; serves as the “voice of the patient.” Active team member reviewing Lumizyme (Pompe treatment). Committed to email correspondence, teleconferences, and in-person meetings in D.C. Lumizyme AC Voting Member, evaluated application with recommendations, October 2008. Patient Representative Role guest speaker, FDA Patient Representative workshops, 2009 and 2010.
Patient Representative, Niemann-Pick Type C and NAGS Deficiency AC, January 2010; Patient Representative, Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing AC, March 2011.
Tiffany received her Juris Doctorate (Suma Cum Laude) in 2011 at St. Mary’s University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas and an M.A. in English, 2007 and B.A. in English, 2005 (Thesis: Pompe’s Disease: My Experiences and the Search for a Cure) at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas.
*This session will be recorded and posted on the AMDA YouTube Channel, by attending, you are giving the AMDA permission to post your image on it’s channel.
To view session, CLICK HERE!
The Elementary School Experience: Building Success for IOPD/LOPD Children Through Collaboration and Partnership!
Title: The Elementary School Experience: Building Success for IOPD/LOPD Children Through Collaboration and Partnership!
Date: August 16, 2024
Time: 1 PM CT
Moderator: Colleen Sackos
This presentation will entail how to create partnerships and collaboration between key stakeholders (family, general education team, special education team, healthcare team, etc.) for IOPD/LOPD children in elementary school. While every child’s journey is unique, ALL children have a right to experience growth and success as a student! Topics include 504 plans, IEPs, how to prepare for transitioning to elementary school, and time for questions and answers. We can all learn from each other!
Moderator Biography:
Colleen Sackos is a proud mother of three and educator with over 15 years of experience as a teacher and administrator in the elementary school setting in both Oregon and Arizona. Her youngest son, Axel, has Infantile Onset Pompe Disease and just finished kindergarten. She lives in Happy Valley, OR, and is grateful to be a part of the Pompe community: together we are strong!
To view session, CLICK HERE!